Career History
1954-1961 |
Grammar School, Portsmouth |
1961-1964 |
College, London University (Theoretical Physics Degree) |
1970-1973 |
College, London University (Electrical Engineering Ph.D.) |
Career in Defence
1964-1967 |
Joined Royal Naval
Scientific Service at Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment
to work on electronically scanned antennas for ships |
1967-1970 |
Exchange scientist
at the US Naval Electronics Laboratory in San Diego working
on theoretical studies of cylindrical electronically scanned
antennas |
1970-1972 |
Returned to UK to continue
work on antennas for ships |
1972-1980 |
Moved to work on the
use of computer systems for the automation and support of naval
command and control functions |
1980-1988 |
Moved to Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern to lead defence
research on computer applications |
1988-1994 |
Moved to the Ministry
of Defence, London as Director of Strategic Electronic Communications
with systems acquisition responsibility for satellite, telecommunications
and cryptographic systems |
1994-1995 |
Became Director of
Communications and Information Systems Engineering with responsibility
for improving the performance of MOD in computer systems acquisition |
1995-1996 |
Moved to become Deputy
Director of the SHAPE Technical Centre within NATO (The Hague) |
Career Themes
Microwave Antenna Systems for Ships
I spent the first phase of my career researching electronically
scanned antenna systems for ships. I was involved in mostly theoretical
work on the design of such systems, building computer models of both antennas
and the associated microwave feed systems.
During this period I spent two years working at the
US Naval Electronics Laboratory Center in San Diego building theoretical
models of cylindrical antennas and feed systems for mast mounting on ships.
On return to the UK I took up a related theme of designing
antennas for ships with very low side-lobes in order to avoid detection.
This work formed the basis for my Ph.D. thesis at Imperial College.
Most of this antenna related research involved the
use of computer models and during this period I worked on a wide range of
early machines including the Ferranti Pegasus, the English Electric KDF9
and the CDC 6600. It was during this work that my interest in computer technology
and software design was aroused.
Applications - Security and Safety
In 1972 I moved to take up R&D in the defence use
of computers in real time command and control applications. Major research
issues in this work included design approaches for software and hardware
capable of meeting stringent safety and security requirements.
Although still working for the Navy, I also became heavily
involved in the use of computer systems for the real-time control of aircraft
and missile systems including Rapier, the Ground to Air system then being
designed for the Army.
In 1980 I moved to the Royal Radar Establishment in
Malvern to continue the computer applications theme with a major interest
in the security and safety issues posed by the automation of defence activities
across all three services.
During this period I managed research in the design
and development of real-time operating systems, computer based analysis
of critical software, security protocol design and implementation, general
and special purpose computer language design and the design and development
of special microprocessors providing high assurance of correct operation.
The work at Malvern on computer security represented the earliest UK government
sponsored R&D in this field, predating that at GCHQ by more than a decade.
In 1988 I moved to the Ministry of Defence in London
to manage the acquisition of strategic communications systems for defence,
including transmission and switching systems, cryptographic equipment and
space based systems.
An important part of the work involved the implementation
of satellite communications systems including five successful launches of
UK and NATO satellites using facilities in Florida for Titan and Delta launches
and in French Guyana for Ariane (the picture on the right is courtesy of
CSG Kourou).
In 1994 I moved to a new position as Director of Communications
and Information Systems Engineering with responsibility for overcoming the
problems which the Ministry of Defence was then having in the effective
acquisition of large computer based systems involving extensive amounts
of software.
This work was not easy, primarily because it proved
impossible to convince others within MOD of the substantial changes in attitude
and approach which would be needed to successfully implement such systems.
Interoperability in NATO
the mid-1980s I was active within NATO in pressing forward with technical
efforts to improve the effectiveness of defence computer based systems.
This work involved efforts to persuade NATO countries to adopt common standards
within their respective computer based command and control systems; it also
involved efforts to move towards the more extensive use of commercial products
and standards.
I spent the last eighteen months of my defence career
as the Deputy Director of the SHAPE Technical Centre in The Hague. This
appointment was cut short by a reorganisation in which the Centre was incorporated
into the NATO C3 Agency in July 1996.
Information Security and Cryptography
By the mid 1980s it was clear that the cost effectiveness
of defence computer based information systems would increasingly depend
on the exploitation of products intended primarily for the civil market.
It was also evident that inappropriate MOD acquisition practices and ineffective
GCHQ policies on information security were having a disastrous impact on
the cost, the affordability and the performance of such systems.
In the 1970s powerful new cryptographic techniques
had been discovered (we now know that they had been previously discovered
and kept secret by GCHQ) but they required large amounts of computer power
for their implementation. By the late 1980s, however, high performance,
low cost computer systems made these methods both practical and highly attractive.
Cryptography implemented in software had arrived together with new algorithms
that were especially well suited for use within network based information
systems where they offered the potential to achieve affordable information
security both within defence and more widely.
There were thus good prospects for major improvements
in systems performance, and for reductions in cost, provided only that these
new approaches could be rapidly introduced into the commercial products
and systems from which future defence information systems would be built.
At the same time the growing commercial interest in the security of network
based information systems provided an environment which would promote the
convergence of defence and civil interests in this field.

a result of these developments I initiated a Security in Open Systems Technology
Demonstration Programme with the objective of promoting the convergence
of defence and commercial interests in the exploitation of cryptographic
security solutions suitable for use in open systems environments such as
the Internet.
I also co-operated with Steve Walker in the United
States in the development of the International Cryptography Experiment,
an informal alliance of groups across government and industry interested
in finding an acceptable way of implementing internationally interoperable
cryptographic security solutions.
My Differences with GCHQ
Prior to 1996 the
Government Communications Headquarters
(GCHQ) was opposed to much of my work in the information security field
because this was intended to encourage the spread of cryptographic information
protection outside of government. This is a theme I pursued while working
in MOD in order to achieve affordable defence information systems and it
is one I have continued to pursue since leaving MOD because of the need
to protect the information (and the information systems) on which all of
society now increasingly depends.
GCHQ have opposed such developments in the past because
of the impact that they might have on their ability to collect electronic
intelligence. They maintained this stance well into the 1990's, with
no evidence of any serious concern for its detrimental impact on other government
departments or for its impact on UK taxpayers. Historically they have also
opposed any effective scrutiny of this policy other than in committees where
the representation has been carefully arranged to ensure that the policy
would never be seriously challenged.
From 1988 until 1996, while working in MOD, I pressed
for this policy to be changed. Moreover, since the early 1990s I also sought
changes in the related US government policy because of the importance of
US based companies in global IT markets and the resulting need for them
to be able to offer the secure products on which cyberspace safety and security
and electronic commerce increasingly depend.
While I was in MOD in the early 1990's GCHQ made several
attempts to undermine my position as a Director for secure systems acquisition.
In the US the authorities were more constructive and were prepared to discuss
my concerns. My thanks go to them for this.
In pursuing these efforts I have been pleased to find
that many people within government were (and are) concerned about the impact
of outdated GCHQ policies on their departments and on UK taxpayers. Within
MOD I was pleased to have the support of a number of senior colleagues who
shared my unease about the undemocratic and unethical way in which these
policies were being sustained by preventing effective debate, even within
government, about their true value and their full consequences.
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